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F. Militello
Characterisation of the L-mode Scrape Off Layer in MAST: decay lengths
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figure 3 | Figure 3 paper 1 | Time averaged profiles of the electron temperature (upper row) and density (lower row) for the 8 discharges during the flat top. Only the outboard half is shown. From left to right, the columns show increasing density levels. Blue, red and green curves represent the reference, high current and low field sets. In the lower row, the horizontal dash-dot lines represent the values of the line averaged density of the different discharges. | 0 | CF/15/50 | Download | ||
Figure 1 | Figure 1 paper 1 | Line averaged density and q95 for the reference [(a) and (b)], high current [(c) and (d)]and low magnetic field [(e) and (f)]cases. | 1 | CF/15/249 | Download | ||
Figure 2 | Figure 2 Paper 1 | Time averaged profiles of the electron temperature (upper row) and density (lower row) for the 8 discharges during the flat top. Only the outboard half is shown. From left to right, the columns show increasing density levels. Blue, red and green curves represent the reference, high current and low field sets. In the lower row, the horizontal dash-dot lines represent the values of the line averaged density of the different discharges. | 0 | CF/15/250 | Download | ||
Figure 4 | Figure 4 Paper 1 | Integrated ion saturated current measured by the Langmuir probes, used as a proxy for the total particle flux at the outer target as a function of the strike point position during the flat top phase. Different symbols represent different discharges. | 0 | CF/15/259 | Download | ||
Figure 5 Paper 1 | Upper panel: time evolution of the midplane radial D_alpha signal smoothed with a moving average technique (using a 10msec window). Lower panel: time evolution of the neutral density at the wall. The horizontal dotted lines show the separation between the three density levels. The oscillations in the signals are attributed to the response of the plasma density control system. | 0 | CF/15/260 | Download | |||
Figure 6 Paper 1 | Comparison between the normalized ion saturation current HRTS averaged profiles (dashed lines) and RP profiles (thick line). A thin line represents the exponential fit to the RP data used to calculate lambda_{J,u}. The points indicate the position and value of the HRTS channels, with an empty symbol representing less reliable channels that had more than 50% unusable data in the period of the average. The gray area (plotted only for the reliable channels) represents the uncertainty in the HRTS measurements. | 0 | CF/15/261 | Download | |||
Figure 7 Paper 1 | Profiles of the ion saturation current normalized to its separatrix value as a function of the distance from the separatrix. The profiles from the RP measurements are smoothed using a moving average with a bin of 15msec. For each set, the symbols (?), (?) and (?) represent the low, intermediate and high density levels respectively. Straight lines, representing the exponential profiles with decay lengths given in Table I, are plotted for comparison. | 0 | CF/15/272 | Download | |||
Figure 9 Paper 1 | Heat flux profiles at the upper outer (a) and inner (b) targets for discharge 28996 at t = 0:2508 sec. The markers are the IR measurements, while the curves are fits in the form of Eq.1 for (a) and of Eq.2 for (b). R is the major radius at the divertor plate and Z is the vertical coordinate on the central solenoid. Dotted lines represent the position of the strike point. | 0 | CF/15/273 | Download | |||
Figure 10 Paper 1 | Parallel heat flux (left panel) and ion saturation current (right panel) near SOL decay lengths as a function of the electron collisionality. The symbol (•) represents the upstream projection of the target measurements, (?) the upstream measurements (with convective assumption for the heat flux) and (×) the upstream measurements with conductive assumption for the heat flux. The solid curves on the right panel show the linear fit of the upstream and target projected data. | 0 | CF/15/319 | Download | |||
Figure 11 paper 1 | Left panel: comparison between the parallel heat flux measured upstream and the scaling law of [30] (?, theoretical). Right panel: comparison between the upstream parallel heat flux projected from the target measurements and the scaling laws of [14] (?, experimental) and of [32] (×, theoretical). the solid lines are the errorbars on the measurements or on the predictions. The thin dashed lines represent the diagonals. | 0 | CF/15/320 | Download | |||
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