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H. Lux
Impurity Radiation in DEMO systems modelling
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Figure Reference | Title | Description | Number of Figure Data Items | Identifier | Download Figure Details | ||
Figure 1 | Figure 1: Loss function Data | Loss function data from the ADAS data base (solid lines) for the different elements implemented in PROCESS (c.f. Section 2.1.3). (Due to the limited colour scheme, all colours have been used twice. Please note, that the ordering in the legend corresponds to the ordering of the atomic charges and therefore the lowest red line represents hy- drogen, while the highest yellow line represents tungsten.) The dashed lines show the Bremsstrahlung radiation as given by equation 5. | 0 | CF/16/83 | Download | ||
Figure 5 | Figure 5 Bremsstrahlung Comparison | Comparison of the Bremsstrahlung radiation (black) and corresponding impurity density profile vs. normalised radius ? = r/a (red) for tungsten from METIS simulations (solid lines) and the PROCESS code (dashed lines). Differences between the total radiation powers are < 10%. | 0 | CF/16/88 | Download | ||
Figure 6 | Figure 6 Radiation Comparison | Comparison of the total impurity radiation (black) and cor- responding impurity density profile (red) for tungsten from JETTO simulations (solid lines) and the impurity profile module in PROCESS (dashed lines) | 0 | CF/16/89 | Download | ||
Figure 7 | Figure 7 Confinement uncertainties | A scan of the cut off radius ?core of the radiation that is cor- rected for in the confinement scaling Prad,core (red solid line). The to- tal impurity radiation has been fixed. The effect on the H-factor H98,y,2 (solid black line) and the total energy confinement time ?E (dashed black line) are shown. Synchrotron radiation is always counted as ‘core’ radiation regardless of ?core . As the IPB98(y,2) energy con- finement scaling has a P?0.69 dependence, the actual required ?E for power balance increases much more than the H-factor. | 0 | CF/16/90 | Download | ||
Figure 8 | Figure 8 Impurity Fraction | Varying the impurity fraction in a DEMO like machine with fixed plasma (electron) density and temperature. While the fusion power P f us (solid black line) decreases – due to fuel dilution – the total radiated power increases and reduces the heat load on the di- vertor Pdiv /R. Fortunately, our results suggest that achieving divertor protection is possible before significantly diluting the fusion fuel. | 0 | CF/16/91 | Download | ||
Figure 9 | Figure 9 L-H threshold | The black solid line shows the relation between the power leaving the separatrix P sep and the figure of merit for divertor per- formance P sep /R varying the seeded impurity fraction as in Figure 8. The dashed line shows the average ion mass dependent nominal value for the Martin 2008 LH-threshold [27], while the dotted lines show the 95% upper and lower bounds. Obviously too strong constraints on the divertor performance make operation in H-mode impossible. | 0 | CF/16/92 | Download | ||
Figure 10 | Figure 10 Psep/R | The plot shows the relation between the radiative frac- tion inside the separatrix frad,sep as defined by eq. 14 and the figure of merit for divertor performance P sep /R varying the seeded impu- rity fraction as in Figure 8. It illustrates qualitatively how enforcing smaller values of P sep /R significantly increases the need for high ra- diative fractions inside the main plasma. Please note, that at the cur- rent stage both the values for limits on P sep /R as well as achievable radiation fractions are still highly uncertain. | 0 | CF/16/93 | Download | ||
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