MAST Data These pages provide an access point to publicly funded MAST research data. By selecting a Program or Objective, and then a specific experiment number, you can request the related underlying shot data if it is available for release. « Back Request Open Data Title: Forename: Surname: Contact E-mail: Institute / Uni / Other: Country: Request: Reason for Request: General Data Protection Regulation: The personal information that you provide to us in the form below will be held and processed by the organisation strictly in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation legal framework. The data will be used by the organisation to reply to your question in the most appropriate manner. We will not supply these personal details to any third party except if we are required to do so by operation of the law. We undertake to remove all of this personal information and communication every three years. This data is made available under the terms of the Non -Commercial Creative Commons Licence (CC BY-NC-SA) which is available at Any data used in CCFE publications have gone through a set of validity checks, however, such checks have not been applied to the full data archive . Therefore please note that the data is made available without any guarantee as to its total validity, and without any acceptance of liability by UKAEA/CCFE. You use such data at your own risk and at your own responsibility. You further agree that any publication or public use of his data must include a statement that the data has not been fully validated. Agreement to Terms and Conditions Please answer the security question to confirm you are human: 1+9=?